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Production of asphalt mixtures for road construction using waste oil purification by researchers at Amirkabir University of Technology.

 | Post date: 2024/04/20 | 
Production of asphalt mixtures for road construction using waste oil purification by researchers at Amirkabir University of Technology.

Considering that improper disposal of waste motor oil can contaminate surface and groundwater by more than a million times its volume, researchers at Amirkabir University of Technology have developed an asphalt mixture based on this waste. According to them, based on the results of tests conducted, the level of pollutants in this final product is lower than the maximum allowable limit.
According to the public relations office of Amirkabir University of Technology, Alireza Aliakbari, a doctoral graduate of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, said: Approximately 20,000 tons of waste material is produced annually from motor oil purification, known as "acidic sludge," consisting of sulfuric acid, vehicle engine chips, burnt polymers, and some used motor oil.
He emphasized that due to the excessive concentration of heavy metals and acidity, acidic sludge is classified as hazardous waste. He stated: Based on studies conducted, improper disposal of this waste can contaminate surface and groundwater by more than a million times its volume, which poses a threat to the environment given the volume of waste produced. Aliakbari considered proper and sanitary disposal of this waste along with excessive costs. He pointed out: Providing a suitable solution that can minimize the associated costs while ensuring sanitary disposal of this waste can be a suitable response to the challenges in the motor oil purification industry. The use of this waste in the production of asphalt mixtures is considered one of the appropriate solutions for sanitary disposal of motor oil purification waste.
This researcher at Amirkabir University of Technology emphasized: Since sanitary disposal of waste from motor oil purification is costly and environmentally important, economizing the production of purified motor oil while meeting environmental standards is crucial. This research, by economizing the process of disposing of waste from motor oil purification through a simple and efficient method, not only solves the problem of motor oil purification industries but also by replacing the obtained product as part of the materials used in asphalt mixtures, it significantly helps improve the properties of asphalt mixtures against rutting, moisture sensitivity, and low-temperature cracking.
This graduate of Amirkabir University of Technology noted: Considering the complex and unknown structure and function of motor oil purification waste, this study was conducted step by step, and the findings of previous steps were used to determine the path and approach for the next steps. In the first step, the main motor oil purification centers, the annual production of waste, the diversity of waste types, and the components of these wastes were identified and determined through proper planning and chemical and performance tests.
Aliakbari emphasized: Due to the impossibility of directly using this waste in asphalt mixtures, methods applicable in the industry to modify the waste were used. By adding the product obtained from these methods to bitumen and asphalt mixtures, its effect was evaluated based on engineering criteria. Based on these results, the best method for this purpose was identified, and the product of this method, which is the modified waste, was evaluated using more advanced and complementary tests.
He added: The results obtained were promising and led to the production of a valuable product for improving the properties of asphalt mixtures. In the final step, in order to ensure the sanitary disposal of this waste in the road infrastructure, environmental tests for pollutant emissions were used, and the emission levels were significantly below the maximum allowable limits.
The researcher of this project considered choosing a simple and accessible method for neutralizing acidic waste using lime and using the neutralized product as a substitute for stone materials in the production of asphalt mixtures as one of the achievements of this research. He stated: The results of these studies have practical applications in motor oil purification plants, which are the producers of this waste.
He further added: Although previous domestic and international studies have made efforts to use this waste in bitumen production, due to the detrimental effects of these materials on the behavior of bitumen and asphalt mixtures, they were not widely accepted and used. However, in this study, through various techniques, motor oil purification waste was initially modified physically and chemically, leading to the production of a novel product.
The project "Production of an additive for improving the rheological and mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures from motor oil purification waste" was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Ali Khodaei and Dr. Pooria Hajikarimi, faculty members of Amirkabir University of Technology.