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Establishment of the Printing Institute at Amirkabir University of Technology

 | Post date: 2024/07/30 | 
The chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology, referring to the university's efforts in establishing the Printing Institute, stated: "We aim to address the challenges faced by the printing industry at this center."
According to the public relations department of Amirkabir University of Technology, Dr. Alireza Rahai highlighted that the university has 18 faculties and 20 research institutes and centers. He noted that the university's direction and goal from the beginning has been to establish programs that cater to the specific needs of the country.
He provided the example of the Polymer Engineering program, which has led to other topics being introduced. He continued, "The Faculty of Polymer Engineering changed its name to Polymer and Color Engineering when the topic of color was added, and it now accepts students at three levels: bachelor's, master's, and doctoral."
Dr. Rahai mentioned that other fields, such as Textile Engineering, are also seeing similar initiatives and emphasized that any developments at the university aim to align with this focus.
The chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology pointed out, "We established the Marine Engineering Faculty to focus on marine development, and this faculty is unique in the country."
He noted that printing is another area of interest for the university, stating: "Dr. Saeed Pourmahdian, who has been active in the Faculty of Polymer Engineering, identified this significant need and advocated for the establishment of the Printing Institute. These efforts have borne fruit today, and it has been established based on a memorandum of understanding exchanged between the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the university."
The chancellor expressed hope that continuous activities in this institute would be pursued under the auspices of the Ministry of Guidance, saying: "We are ready to address the needs of the printing industry and related topics to fulfill, as much as possible, the requirements connected to the printing industry."
The head of the Printing Institute at Amirkabir University of Technology emphasized: "Knowledge-based initiatives in the printing industry will be concentrated and strengthened."
The head of the Printing Institute at Amirkabir University of Technology identified several goals for the institute, including the establishment of printing and related industries as specializations at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels, and the movement towards creating an interdisciplinary program in the field of printing. Additionally, he highlighted the establishment of a research and technology center equipped with specialized laboratories and workshops for research and technology related to the printing industry.
Dr. Saeed Pourmahdian stated during the first meeting of the institute's board of trustees that this institute has been created to develop education, research, and technology in the field of printing and related industries in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance and Amirkabir University of Technology.
He outlined the objectives of establishing this institute as expanding research and education related to printing and its associated industries, improving its quantitative and qualitative standards, ensuring the necessary expertise for the development and application of printing technology and related industries in the country, solidifying and enhancing the country's scientific and technological position in printing and related industries at the global level, and determining the human resources outlook in the field of printing and associated industries.
Pourmahdian mentioned that this center was established following the signing of a memorandum of understanding aimed at implementing the slogan of the year 1401, which focuses on expanding and strengthening knowledge-based production and job creation, as well as executing the policies of the thirteenth government regarding the revitalization of production and employment. This memorandum was signed between the Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance and the chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology.
He added that the goals outlined in this memorandum include creating specializations in printing and related industries at undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels, developing an interdisciplinary program in printing, establishing a research and technology center equipped with specialized laboratories and workshops for research and technology in printing and related industries, and strengthening knowledge-based companies related to the production of raw materials and printing technologies.
According to him, a steering committee has been formed to ensure continuous coordination for executing this memorandum, consisting of representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Amirkabir University of Technology, and a number of industry experts. Following collaborative meetings, the charter for the Scientific, Research, and Technology Center for Printing and Related Industries (the Printing Institute) has been drafted and approved by the Supreme Council of Amirkabir University of Technology.
He stated that the governing body of the institute's charter is a board of trustees, which includes the chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology, the Deputy for Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, the Vice chancellor for Research and Technology of the University, the Vice chancellor for Graduate Education of the University, the Head of the University’s Science and Technology Park, the Director General of the Ministry's Office of Affairs and Printing, one faculty member from the university, and one expert from the printing industry.
Pour Mahdian added that following the issuance of decrees for the members of the Board of Trustees by the chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology in August 2023, the first meeting of the Board of Trustees was held. In this meeting, the responsibilities of the members, managers, and assistants of the university were communicated based on the charter of the Printing Institute.
The Deputy for Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance also expressed hope that the establishment of the Printing Institute would not face any interruptions during the government transition and announced the ministry's readiness to operationalize the institute.
Dr. Yaser Ahmadvand stated in the first meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Printing Institute at Amirkabir University of Technology that this institute would serve as a research center for printing affairs.
He added that cooperation between the two entities began following the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Minister of Culture and the chancellor of Amirkabir University of Technology in January 2023, which led to the drafting of the institute's charter. He wished success to the Board of Trustees in achieving the goals of the institute.
Ahmadvand noted that as we approach the government transition, there might be delays in this process. However, with the determination present in both entities and actions planned for the upcoming government, the establishment of the institute is a necessary and positive endeavor.
He emphasized that the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is supportive of the activities of this institute alongside Amirkabir University of Technology.