Special services: Faculty Members Students Graduates

Performance of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology: 32 Industry Cooperation Contracts and 155 ISI Articles Published in 2 Years

 | Post date: 2024/08/28 | 
According to the public relations office of Amirkabir University of Technology, Dr. Jamshid Mousavi, the head of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, stated in a university council meeting that this faculty began its educational activities 67 years ago in 1957 by admitting its first undergraduate students. It was officially established in 1958 with the approval to launch it. Currently, the faculty has 13 professors, 12 associate professors, 13 assistant professors, 19 retired faculty members (5 of whom still collaborate in teaching courses), and 9 adjunct and visiting professors. He added that the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology has 4 educational groups: "Structures and Earthquake," "Water and Environmental Engineering," "Geotechnics and Transportation," and "Construction Engineering and Management.
Educational and International Activities 
The head of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering pointed out that, according to statistics, this faculty admitted 100 undergraduate students in 2019, which increased to 106 in 2020, then dropped to 92 in 2021, 87 in 2022, and finally reached 94 in 2023. 
Dr. Mousavi reminded everyone that the number of active undergraduate students in the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology, starting from the 2019 intake, is 395, and the number of active faculty members, including retired faculty who are still involved, is 43. 
He mentioned that the student-to-faculty ratio, including retired faculty, is 9.2, while the ratio without counting retired faculty is 10.4. It's worth noting that the number of active faculty members, excluding retirees, is reported to be 38. 
The head of the faculty stated that international activities are also part of the faculty's programs, with a total of 146 active international students at Amirkabir University of Technology, of which 21, or 14.4%, are from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. These students mainly come from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Pakistan, and so far, 6 of them have graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In total, 7 of these students were admitted on a self-funded basis, while 14 were granted scholarships.
Empowering Students 
Dr. Mousavi added that organizing internship courses and connecting with various companies to empower students and strengthen the ties between industry and academia are other priorities for this faculty. Accordingly, around 80 students take the internship course each year, and 337 companies have collaborated with the Civil Engineering Faculty in this regard so far. Additionally, since 2021, the faculty has launched a "Co-op Bachelor's Program." In this context, four memorandums of understanding for the Co-op Bachelor's Program have been signed with consulting engineering firms like Riaab, Mohab Quds Engineering, Bandaj Kav Engineering, and Zargoon Civil Engineering Consultants. 

Cultural and Student Programs 
He mentioned that the publication of a bilingual student journal in Persian and English titled "Darbast" by the Scientific Association of the Civil Engineering Faculty and the organization of 12 targeted educational visits by this association since 2022 are among the faculty's priority programs in the cultural and student domain. 
The head of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering continued that holding discussion sessions with professors for students, as well as supporting and encouraging undergraduate students to participate in various scientific competitions, such as the Concrete Association competitions and ACI competitions, are also part of the faculty's initiatives.
Development of Graduate Studies 
He stated that this faculty has been admitting students for master's and doctoral programs in 11 specializations: "Structures," "Earthquake," "Hydraulic Structures," "Marine Structures," "Construction Management," "Geotechnics," "Road and Transportation," "Transport," "HSE," "Water Resources Management," and "Environmental Engineering." Currently, there are 293 active master's students and 156 doctoral students in this faculty. The student-to-faculty ratio for master's students, excluding retired faculty, is 7.8, while for doctoral students, it is 4.2. 
He further mentioned that the faculty has also admitted 23 international students at the master's level and 3 at the doctoral level. 

Scientific and Research Activities 
Dr. Mousavi pointed out that an examination of the research and scientific activities of this faculty shows that researchers published 155 ISI articles in 2022 and 2023, which has earned the Civil Engineering Faculty the sixth rank among the university's faculties. 
Research Activities 
He also highlighted the signing of industry collaboration contracts as another success for the faculty, noting that in 2022 and 2023, the faculty signed 32 industry-university contracts, securing the third rank among the faculties of Amirkabir University of Technology. 

Laboratory Services of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering 
The head of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering mentioned the establishment of specialized laboratories in "Soil Mechanics," "Fluid Mechanics," "Hydraulics and Fluids," "Structures," "Soil Dynamics," "Pavement," "Soil Pollution and Waste," "Material Resistance," "Porous Media," "Environmental Engineering," and "Concrete and Materials," providing laboratory services at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels. Accordingly, 296 laboratory services are offered to students and also to industry owners outside the university.
According to him, the development of laboratory infrastructure in the faculty (after 2021) includes: 
- Purchasing a 200-ton compressive and tensile strength testing machine along with accessories 
- Buying a universal testing machine with a capacity of 100 tons along with accessories 
- Acquiring a lift for the structures and pavement laboratories 
- Purchasing a soil properties measuring device (triaxial) for the soil dynamics lab 
- Buying a fine aggregate spreader 
- Equipping numerical computation laboratories with workstations and related facilities 
- Purchasing a UPS for the rock laboratory 
- Buying a data logger for the soil mechanics and building materials resistance laboratories 
- Acquiring a concrete mixer 
- Purchasing a precise digital scale for the environmental lab 
- Buying a 200-ton compressive and tensile strength testing machine for the structures lab 
- Acquiring a clip gauge for the rock laboratory, among other initiatives by the faculty.
Support Services of the Faculty 
He mentioned that this faculty has taken steps to enhance its administrative and educational activities by purchasing 20 computers with all accessories, 15 access points, a copying machine, 20 video projectors, 4 televisions, 100 classroom chairs, 45 chairs for waiting areas, and providing computational services to graduate students at the faculty's computer center. 

Performance of the Faculty Promotion Committee 
He concluded by noting that an examination of the statistics related to the performance of the promotion and recruitment committee over the past three years shows that so far, the files of 15 faculty members have been reviewed for promotion, and the files of 6 faculty members have been considered for status change. Out of these, 4 files have been approved for status change, and 2 files are still in progress.