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IT and Comminications Research Institute

 | Post date: 2019/07/20 | 
Institute of Information and Communications and Electric Network Grid
Institute of Information and Communications and Electric Network Grid is composed of five research centers as follows. The research activities in these centers are on advanced technologies related to electrical, electronics and computer science and engineering. Each center has been established independently at the beginning but they have recently been merged to the institute of Information and Communications and Electric Network Grid.
APA Research Center
APA Research Center began its activities in 2007 to support the ever increasing need to academic research in the area of computer security in Iran.
APA is the short term of the first three letters of these words: Awareness, Patronage and Assistance. APA Research Center was founded to pursue the following objectives:
  1. Raising awareness and understanding of security issues among users and providers of the cyberspace.
  1. Support for the creation and usage of appropriate technology for resisting against cyber-attacks, limit the damages, and also confidence in continuity of critical cyber services.
  1. Assist to identify and fix vulnerabilities in computer and networks systems.
Address: APA Research Center, High-speed processing research center Building, No. 424, Hafez Ave., Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, Postcode: 15916-34311. 
High-Performance Computing Research Center
HPCRC provides cloud computing services to universities, research centers and industry. The supercomputer in this center is able to solve and accelerate algorithms for complex and hard problems.
  • Address:  High-Performance Computing Research Center, Building, No. 424, Hafez Ave., Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, Postcode: 15916-34311. 
  • Tel/Fax: (+98) 21 64543131
  • Email:  hpcstaff aut.ac.ir
  • Web: http://hpcrc.aut.ac.ir/

Telecommunication Technology and Applied Electromagnetics Research Center

Telecommunication Technology and Applied Electromagnetics research center was founded in 2005. This research center consists of two main centers namely electromagnetic compatibility center and microwave/millimeter-wave and wireless communications center. These centers provide software and hardware solutions to both academia and industry in the related fields. This research center is equipped with modern measurement facilities where different measurements and type approvals are regularly performed.

Address: Telecommunication Technology and Applied Electromagnetics Research Center, 1st floor of Abureihan building, No. 424, Hafez Ave., Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, Postcode: 15916-34311. 
Tel/Fax: (+98) 21 64543521
Email: abm125aut.ac.ir
Web: http://icte.aut.ac.ir/
Research Center for Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
ICT research center was established in 2002. Research activities cover the fields related to information technology, computer science and engineering and communication technology. Currently, the main focus of the activities is on Internet of Things (IoT) and financial technologies (Fintech).
Address: Research Center for Information and Communication Technology, 2nd floor of Department of Computer Engineering, No. 424, Hafez Ave., Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, Postcode: 15916-34311. 
Tel/Fax: (+98) 21 66419411
Email: rastiaut.ac.ir
Iran Grid Secure Operation Research Center (IGSORC)
The Iran Grid Secure Operation Research Centre (IGSORC) has been established since 2005 by obtaining an agreement from the Broad Council. The main objectives of IGSORC are:
1. to conclude industrial contracts in relation to the country's electricity industry by investigating and identifying the research needs of the electricity industry,
2. training researchers and specialists in the field of electricity industry,
3. collaborating with research and educational institutes and the people inside and abroad to improve the quality of activities and
4. Organizing short-term training courses, holding seminars and conferences, and conducting national research projects.
In addition to the industrial projects required by the country's electricity industry, which are always performing in the IGSORC by contracting with different sections of the Ministry of Energy (MOE) and subsidiary companies, one of the most important current projects in the IGSORC is the national grand project entitled “Smart Grid of Iran Electric network and implementation of sample scheme”. This national project has been started in November 2012 and, with the approval of the project document in 2016, the subsidiary projects are defined and in operation.
Another activity of the IGSORC is the acquisition of foreign students through the “International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE)” of Iran, which is ongoing almost every year in IGSORC.
Address: Iran Grid Secure Operation Research Center (IGSORC), 9th floor of Abureihan building, No. 424, Hafez Ave., Amirkabir University of Technology (AUT), Tehran, Iran, Postcode: 15916-34311. 
Tel. : +98 21 6454 5002
Fax. : +98 21 6454 3504
Email: grptianaut.ac.ir
Web: http://ceit.aut.ac.ir/autcms/labs/verticalPagesAjax/labHome.htm?id=3356899&depurl=electrical-engineering&lang=en&cid=782