Nanofibrous Structures Engineering

 | Post date: 2020/06/21 | 
Nanofibrous Structures Engineering
Nanofibrous structures engineering branch is aimed at increasing the scientific and technological capabilities of students to conduct research on nanofibrous materials which will be beneficial in establishment of new nanotechnology base industries or developing of new products within the current industrial plans. It has been activated after approval by the ministry of higher education, research and technology. This engineering branch is defined for the first time by nanofibrous structures group in the department of textile engineering and pioneer students of this branch entered the department in the year 2009 to fulfill the requirements of M.Sc. degree. The courses are defined from the latest science and technology resources in the field for high quality research and education which in return encourage the students to do their utmost to learn more in this new branch of engineering. The research projects are defined as combination of fundamental and application based ones to meet the requirements of nanotechnology based industries. Graduates of this branch are of high capabilities to work in industries, carry on the study towards Ph.D. or create their own job within the field.
The main goals in establishment of nanofibrous structures engineering are as following:
  • To create high motivity for the students to study in the new branches of textile engineering
  • To create room for highly talented and smart students to carry out research in various fields of science and technology in nanomaterials area.
  • To meet the scientific and technological requirements in industrial and medical sectors on developing of new nanofibrous products
  • To train engineers for the relevant industries demands
  • Enhancing of textile products by application of nanotechnology with higher added value
  • To gain the required scientific base for fulfilling of required nanotechnology basis in development of new technologies such as filtration and nanofinishing.
Students of the nanofibrous structure engineering are graduated after passing a total of 32 course units among which there are 3 courses (sum of 9 units) as main course, 5 courses (sum of 15 units) specially defined courses for this field,  seminar (2 units) and project (6 units).
Some course titles are as following:
  • Quantum Physics
  • Technology & Production Methods of Nano-Fibrous Structures
  • Physics & Mechanics of Nano-Fibrous Structures
  • Characterization and analysis of nanofibrous structures
  • Advanced nanofibrous structures
  • Recent methods in modeling and optimization
  • Nanoparticles in finishing processes
  • Advanced methods in study of internal structure of fibers
  • Statistics and research methods
  • Engineering data analysis
  • Advanced spectroscopy