Synthesis and Fabrication Methods of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds

(Department)  Biomedical Engineering         (Division)      Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
 (Level and Major)  Undergraduate

Course Title                Synthesis and Fabrication Methods of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds
Number of Credits       3             Prerequisite Engineering Materials 2: Forming and Fabrication

In this course, students become familiar with the importance of scaffold in tissue engineering, utilized materials, characterization and fabrication methods
  1. Syllabus:
    1- Section 1:
    1-1- Introduction
    1-2- Importance of scaffold in tissue engineering
    1-3- Interaction of scaffold and biological environment
    1-4- Characteristics of functional scaffolds in tissue engineering (chemical, mechanical, structural and architectural, biological and degradability)
    2- Section 2:
    2-1- Importance of material selection in tissue engineering scaffolds
    2-2- Biological, ceramic, metallic, polymeric and composite materials (general introduction of each, processability, degradability and mechanism of degradation and disposal of degradation products)
    3- Section 3:
    3-1- Fabrication processes of scaffolds:
    Melt molding, Gas foaming, Solvent casting, Particulate leaching, Phase separation, Freeze drying, Textile technology, Particle-aggregation, Gel formation, Polymerization, Rapid prototyping, Extrusion, Lithography
    4- Section 4: Bioreactors
    4-1- Definition, importance in tissue engineering, the basis and factors affecting performance
    4-2- Types of bioreactors:
    Spinner Flask, Rotating Wall, Flow Perfusion, Compression, Strain, Hydrostatic Pressure, Hollow Fiber, Fluidized-bed, Bubble Column / Air-lift, Bag

1- Methods of Tissue Engineering, Antony Atala, Rebert Lanza, Academic Press, 2002.
2- Functional 3D Tissue Engineering Scaffolds: Materials, Technologies, and Applications, Woodhead Publishing, Ying Deng & Jordan Kuiper, 2017.
3- Scaffolding In Tissue Engineering, Peter X. Ma, Jennifer Elisseeff, CRC Press, 2005, Materials, Second Edition, Andreas F von Recum, 1986.

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