Amirkabir University of Technology- University News
Admirable charitable actions in the field of health at AmirKabir University of Technology

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Admirable charitable actions in the field of health at AmirKabir University of Technology
In a commendable, charitable act in the field of health, Fakour Sanat Engineering Company has taken the initiative to provide all the necessary health supplies to AmirKabir University of Technology.

According to the public relations office of AmirKabir University of Technology, Dr. Hamid Keshvari, the head of the university's Health and Treatment Center, stated: Fakour Sanat Engineering Company, in light of the spread of the coronavirus in the country in late 2019 and the continuation of the pandemic in the following years, after negotiations in the university's HSE council, has generously and charitably taken the initiative to provide all the necessary health supplies for the university, which is unparalleled in its volume of support and assistance to the university community's health sector in recent years.

The head of the university's Health and Treatment Center added: This time, the company has also made a worthy purchase by buying an electrocardiogram (ECG) machine, which can save the lives of many university students by timely diagnosing heart and vascular diseases.

He also recalled that part of the items purchased by Fakour Sanat Engineering Company for the university's Health and Treatment Center include a pulse oximeter, thermometer, oxygen generator, disinfection pump, alcohol-based hand disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide-based surface disinfectant, three and six-layer masks, necessary equipment for coronavirus vaccination, and many other items.
Dr. Keshvari emphasized: The industrial community of AmirKabir University of Technology expresses its gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Vahid Sheikhzadeh, the CEO of Fakour Sanat Engineering Company, Dr. Hamid Sheikhzadeh, a professor at AmirKabir University of Technology, and Mr. Mohammad Reza Sheikhzadeh.

He pointed out: The strong determination and firm will of these benefactors in the field of health have been instrumental in providing a suitable platform for the activities of the university's HSE center. Today, we can boldly declare that AmirKabir University of Technology has achieved one of the most outstanding and honorable results in controlling and preventing the spread of the coronavirus among university students, compared to all other universities in the country, based on statistics.

Finally, in addition to expressing renewed appreciation for the charitable actions of these benefactors in the field of health, he said: I hope that in the future, we will continue to benefit from the valuable support and guidance of these dear individuals in the path of success and the advancement of the position of AmirKabir University of Technology as a pioneer and leader in the field of university HSE.
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