Amirkabir University of Technology- Inventions, Discoveries and Achievements
Diagnostics in Spiral Gears in Wind Turbines

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2023/05/7 | 
Researchers of the Mechanical Engineering department of Amirkabir University were successful in the diagnosis of concurrent faults in spiral gears based on vibration and sound signal processing which is practical in variant industries such as wind turbines.
Hasan Alavi, a graduate of Amirkabir University told us that in this project, innovative techniques for separation of concurrent faults’ signs and new methods of artificial intelligence field which are common for deep learning, were used for type and faults’ severity categorization.
According to the innovative identity of this project in signal processing and artificial intelligence fields, the published articles of this project have been published in top journals with a high impact factor
Dr. Abdoreza Ohadi, a faculty member of Amirkabir University has been the supervisor of this project.
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