Amirkabir University of Technology- Vice Chancellor for Cultural and Student Affairs
Vice Chancellor for Cultural and Student Affairs

Restore images and colors  | Post date: 2019/06/25 | 

Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs
This deputy provides and facilitates desired welfare and cultural services to the academic community including professors, employees and students.
“Student Management” and “Cultural and Social Affairs Management” are the two main departments of this deputy.
The Department of Physical Education, the Department of Health, Safety and Environment and the Office of Psychological Services and Consulting and Psychology are the subordinate offices of this vice chancellor.
Cultural and Social Affairs Management
Cultural and Social Affairs Management was established in 2001 to strengthen national religious values and beliefs, protect the Islamic culture of Iran, promote the obligation to the law, accountability, adherence to engineering ethics among academics, and increase the role and participation of 
students and faculty members in scientific and extracurricular activities.
This management in association with offices of Extracurricular Activities, Student Associations and Publications, Student Scientific Society, develops, implements and evaluates all cultural and social activities of the university.
Student Affairs Management
Department of Welfare and Accommodation Services
Department of Nutrition

Department of Student Welfare Services
The Student Welfare Fund started in 1974 with the aim of giving loans and scholarships to university students, public higher-education institutions and students abroad.
Department of Student Welfare Services, as a bridge between university and students, cooperates with the Student Welfare Fund, and in order to solve parts of students’ problems, performs the tasks of operating and pursuing fundraisings, financing and repossessing such facilities as scholarship loans, mortgages, marital housing allowances, essential loans, marriage loans, insurance loans and etc. in the form of their own rules and regulations. Students' reimbursement is also done at this office.
The General office of Scientific Association and Olympiad Affairs of Amirkabir University of technology
The General Office of Scientific Association and Olympiad Affairs of AUT supports and guides the scientific activities of student associations. These scientific student associations are the only student organizations at the university level in which students promote scientific knowledge in a vital and exciting manner. At present, AUT has 18 scientific student associations. This office guides and manages student’s scientific activities in three areas: Office of Education and Extracurricular Programs which supports various events such as contests, seminars, training courses, scientific visits and etc. Ideas, Innovation and Technology Center: which provides the grounds for ideas to grow and supports student’s innovations to commercialize them easier. The main activities of this center include: providing means for the design and expression of new ideas; creative thinking and innovative culture; scientific and financial support of entrepreneurship; attracting, supporting and monitoring research projects and top ideas; and building relations with important industrial and technological centers. The center has so far supported about 30 student projects. The Olympiads Center: which supports students participating in international student Olympiads. The Scientific Student Associations of AUT, with the support of the General Office of Scientific Association and Olympiad Affairs, has held more than 778 programs, conferences, seminars, specialized courses and workshops at the international, national and college levels. The active members of the Scientific Student Associations have held and participated in more than 131 competitions at the university, national and international levels.
To learn more please visit their website at

Please add 9821 to every phone number, while dialing internationally. 


Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs, Ground Floor, Farabi Building, Rasht Ave. Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Director of Cultural and Student Affairs 

Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs


Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs, Ground Floor, Farabi Building, Rasht Ave. Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Student Affairs Manager

Student Affairs Office


Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs, Ground Floor, Farabi Building, Rasht Ave. Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Deputy of Student Affairs


Deputy of Cultural and Student Affairs, Ground Floor, Farabi Building, Rasht Ave. Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Secretariat of Student Affairs

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Student Affairs Management, next to Khayyam Building, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran


Cultural and Social
Affairs Office


Student Scientific Society Office


Student Affairs Management, next to Khayyam Building, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Student Clubs Manager


Student Affairs Management, next to Khayyam Building, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Event Spacialist

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Ghoghnous Building, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran

Girls’ Office Executive Specialist


In front of Faculty of Mining and Metallurgy Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, 424 Hafez Ave, Tehran, Iran



Department of Nutrition
Students once registered at AUT will receive the benefit of being able to eat at the Student Dining Hall which is a budget dining option serving Halal Persian cuisine for lunch. Once admitted Mr. Sharifi in our admissions office will guide students interested in using this service.
There is also a cafeteria available on campus from 7am to 7pm serving breakfast, fast food, Persian dishes and drinks and snacks. This cafeteria is also a budget friendly dining option for students. A new restaurant serving traditional Persian cuisine has opened on campus called Mashahir.   
In addition, Tehran being the largest city in Iran has many great restaurants serving food from all different nationalities.
With the aim of meeting the specific biological and nutritional needs of its audiences, especially students, Department of Nutrition tries to provide its services in an optimum way based on going conditions and facilities.


+982164543185 2nd Floor, Next to Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology Director Department of Nutrition
+982164542795 2nd Floor, Next to Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology Health Specialist





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