Amirkabir University of Technology- University News
The "Amir Kabir University of Technology Museum" was inaugurated with the presence of the Vice President of the Republic.

Restore images and colors  | Post date: 2024/04/29 | 
The "Amir Kabir University of Technology Museum" was inaugurated with the presence of the Vice President of the Republic. A memorandum of understanding was signed between the university and the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.
The "Amir Kabir University of Technology Museum" was officially inaugurated on Tuesday, 10th of Ordibehesht, 1403, with the presence of "Dehghani Firouzabadi," the Vice President for Science, Technology, and Innovation, "Alireza Rahaei," the President, and a number of faculty members of Amir Kabir University of Technology at the central library of the university.
This museum, located on the ground floor of the university, houses a valuable collection of artifacts, pieces, tools, images, and other items related to the scientific and research activities of the university, which have historical and identity aspects, and is open to the view of the university students.
It is worth mentioning that in addition to the museum's inauguration and the visit of the Vice President's deputy and accompanying delegation to the university, a cooperation agreement was also signed during a meeting.
🔸Furthermore, let's review the key points discussed by the officials during this meeting:
The Vice President for Science, Technology, and Innovation announced:
Appreciation of 110 faculty members for their dedication to student education by awarding them the "Sheikh Mufid Prize" on Teacher's Day.
In the ceremony of signing a cooperation agreement with Amirkabir University of Technology and the opening of the museum of this university, Dr. Rouhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, the Deputy of Science, Technology, and Economy of the President's Science Foundation, emphasized the importance of mentorship by university professors as the axis and role model in educating capable, innovative, and influential students. He mentioned that one of the missing links in universities is mentorship, as many prominent and technical university professors are mostly focused on scientific research and technological development, rather than on nurturing, educating, and enhancing the personalities and identities of students.
He added that there are professors who have a high capacity and ability in nurturing and fostering the growth of students who will shape the future of the country. The head of the National Elite Foundation also emphasized the support of the Presidential Office's Scientific Deputy and the National Elite Foundation for professors who engage in mentorship and dedicate time to students.
Dr. Dehghani Firouzabadi emphasized the urgent need today in the field of higher education in the country for role model and student-focused professors. He added that mentor and educator professors can shape the identity of our students and establish a historical connection between students and their capacities and identities. These types of professors can provide the necessary knowledge about the past, history, and the country's current situation to students, and through this nurturing and knowledge-sharing, they can spread hope and motivation among educated human resources.
He stated: The Scientific Deputy of the President's Office, with this approach, initiated the process of identifying 110 mentor professors through an invitation-only program that started 6 months ago, in the form of elite-focused committees mostly consisting of students who are in contact with the National Elite Foundation and have a good understanding of these types of professors.

The Deputy of Science, Technology, and Economy of the President's Science Foundation, in recognition of the selected professors, referred to the occasion of Teacher's Day and added: These 110 identified professors will be honored during a ceremony on Teacher's Day, and a research prize of 10 billion Rials, including a cash gift and the option to use the credit for services as desired, will be awarded to them. The selected professors will also have their experiences and memories documented.
Dehghani Firouzabadi mentioned that this program is implemented annually, and out of this number, 10 top professors receive an incentive grant. He added: We hope that the implementation of this program will motivate professors who prioritize mentorship and create a conducive environment for nurturing elites and capable individuals who work diligently in scientific and technological development.
In another part of his speech, he highlighted the strategic role and valuable achievements of Amirkabir University of Technology from its inception to the present day, stating that this university has been a source of pride for the country in various periods. He mentioned that the university has played a significant role in the construction and development of the country, both before the revolution, during the Sacred Defense period, and after the Islamic Revolution, contributing to the country's progress and development.
Firouzabadi emphasized: Universities are the fertile ground for knowledge-based companies.
The Scientific, Technological, and Economic Deputy of the President's Science Foundation referred to the serious intention of the Presidential Scientific Deputy to support the formation and growth of nascent university-based knowledge-based companies, adding: We pay special attention to prominent universities in the country so that with the maturity and empowerment of nascent knowledge-based companies, the path of productive and empowering technology production continues to strengthen.
Dehghani Firouzabadi recalled: It must be noted that the fertile ground and habitat for thriving knowledge-based companies are universities, and neglecting and ignoring universities will lead to the withering of the roots of knowledge-based companies and the country's inability to move towards conquering scientific and technological peaks.
He pointed out the support for top universities in the country to utilize the research and development tax credit, saying: With the efforts and coordination of this deputy and the collaboration that took place from various institutions and universities, last year over one and a half times the general budget of the Presidential Scientific Deputy was allocated in the form of tax credit. Prominent universities in the country benefited from these facilities to develop technological projects.
The head of the National Elite Foundation continued: Part of the agreement with Amirkabir University is aimed at facilitating the use of this legal capacity, and another part of this agreement is focused on the development of nascent university-based knowledge-based companies.
Iran has shown that science and technology can have a significant impact in the realms of power and deterrence.
According to the Deputy of the President's Science Foundation, Dehghani Firouzabadi, in continuation of the recent developments in the region, which indicate the failure of Zionism's ideology and the emergence of the vile identity of this regime, he stated: Today, we are witnessing serious transformations in the region, and due to the martyrdom of thousands of oppressed Palestinians, the true identity of Zionism has become more apparent than ever. Today, more than ever, global disgust towards Zionism heralds the fact that the earth will soon be rid of the presence of this disgraceful ideology and group.
He recalled the "Operation Truthful Promise" and its prominent features, saying: This operation is based on two main pillars and has shown that Iran has scientific and technological capabilities, and the world has understood that Iran possesses this technology and capability. In this operation, we saw a prominent example of knowledge as a ruler and showed how knowledge can create superiority and empowerment.
The Scientific Deputy of the President emphasized the role of empowering science and technology and stated: In the past centuries, science was considered a decorative and prideful subject, but after the industrial revolution, technology emerged from the foundation of science, and humanity was able to dominate nature and acquire more wealth by exploiting natural resources using technological tools. However, in the past two to three decades, science has transcended the paradigm of wealth creation and has become an empowering component.
Dehghani Firouzabadi, noting that Iran has shown that science and technology can have a significant impact in the realms of power and deterrence, added: Countries in the region, including Arab countries and the Persian Gulf region, did not pay serious attention to science and technology development until recent years because they did not see the need for wealth creation through science and technology production due to their abundant oil resources. However, seeing the power and capability that Iran has gained through this technological movement, they have seriously embarked on the path of science and technology production, even if it means buying components and elements of science and technology development. Therefore, a key pillar of Operation Truthful Promise can be considered the scientific and technological empowerment of Islamic Iran.
He continued: Another pillar of Operation Truthful Promise is Iran's capability, courage, foresight, and determination to use this technology. The technological capability that the country possesses can be attributed to knowledge-based companies and experts and technologists, whose origin and foundation are the country's universities.
The signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement and the visit to Amirkabir University of Technology was held today in the presence of Dehghani Firouzabadi, the Deputy of Science, Technology, and Economy of the President, Alireza Rahaei, the President, and a number of members of the academic staff of Amirkabir University of Technology at the central library of this university.
The role of Amirkabir University of Technology in realizing the slogans of the year and the knowledge-based economy
The President of Amirkabir University of Technology stated that the naming of the years is for the realization of the knowledge-based economy and said: Amirkabir University of Technology, which has been active in the field of industrial projects for a long time and believes that all the potential of the university should be used in the development of the industry, will play an important and prominent role in realizing this slogan.
Dr. Alireza Rahaei, at the inauguration ceremony of Amirkabir University's museum, described today's world as a world of science and technology and added: What is considered the superiority and excellence of countries is the level of progress in areas related to technological development, and perhaps many of the criteria that were raised in the world have changed today.
He continued: Although perhaps the attention to the issue of science and technology came late in our country, but fortunately, in the past two decades, with the directives of the esteemed leadership and the establishment and development of the Vice Presidency for Science of the Presidency, a leap has occurred in these areas, and the backwardness that was perhaps significant in the early years has been to a large extent compensated for and will be compensated for.
Rahaei, reminding that the country has embarked on a transformation in this area, recalled: The establishment of the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology parks, the development of knowledge-based companies, and the production of knowledge-based products are the achievements of these activities.
The President of Amirkabir University of Technology, referring to the annual slogans and stating that in recent years, these slogans have been directed towards the knowledge-based economy and the industry, noted: With this move, the requirements for achieving these slogans have been raised, and what research and development should be done to achieve the knowledge-based industry. If we look at this year's slogan, which is the leap in production with the participation of the people, the issue of production has once again been highlighted.
He mentioned that this production includes the production of knowledge-based and continued: Therefore, both the role of the Vice Presidency as a prominent policy maker and the role of universities in the path of knowledge-based production should guide their activities and potential in this path, and in this regard, Amirkabir University of Technology, which has been active in the field of industrial projects for a long time and believes that all the potential of the university should be used in the development of the industry, will play an important and prominent role in realizing this slogan.
Rahaei emphasized: The significant collaborations that we have with various industries, including aerospace, maritime, energy, oil, and petrochemical sectors, support the determination of the university to put its facilities on the path of developing technology and a knowledge-based economy to play a crucial role in the transformation of the knowledge-based economy.
Referring to the university's communications with the Scientific Deputy, he noted: In recent years, we have held meetings and today's ceremony marks the beginning of a transformation in this serious collaboration, and we hope to benefit the most from these areas of cooperation.
The President of Amirkabir University of Technology expressed hope on the occasion of Teacher's Day that the professors of this university and other universities, with an understanding of the critical conditions of today, see that the country and the system are in a special situation; on one hand, there is an onslaught of arrogant governments imposing sanctions on the country, and on the other hand, pressures that have been created on the oppressed people of Palestine have led to many martyrs being sacrificed to the Islamic world.
The President of Amirkabir University of Technology continued: In these critical conditions, cooperation and optimal use of the country's resources are certainly very important and serious, and it is the responsibility of all of us in this important field.

Research Deputy of Amirkabir University of Technology:
Over 3 billion Tomans of collaboration between Amirkabir University of Technology and knowledge-based companies to support master's and doctoral theses
The Research Deputy of Amirkabir University of Technology stated that continuous communication between the university and industry must be established to address societal issues, saying: In this regard, with the cooperation of one of the companies, 3 billion and 600 million Tomans have been attracted to support postgraduate theses.
Dr. Mohammad Javad Amiri, at the inauguration ceremony of Amirkabir University's museum, mentioned the university's initiatives in research and technology, saying: We have recently launched a platform for communication with industry and creating employment opportunities for students.
Referring to some statistics regarding the interaction of professors with industry, he stated: According to the statistics, only 19% of professors were involved with the industry, and we have had interactions with industrial sectors such as Mobarakeh Steel and petrochemicals to increase this rate.
He emphasized collaboration with knowledge-based and technology companies, saying: So far, we have received 3 billion and 600 million Tomans to support doctoral and master's theses from one of the companies.
The Research Deputy of Amirkabir University of Technology recalled: Our belief is that continuous communication between the university and industry must be established to succeed in addressing societal issues and improving people's livelihoods.

Head of Science and Technology Park of Amirkabir University of Technology:
Production of 600 basic knowledge products by technology experts of Amirkabir University of Technology Science and Technology Park
The President of the Science and Technology Park of Amirkabir University of Technology highlighted the achievements of companies in the park, stating that they have achieved a sale of one trillion Tomans and created employment for 1100 people. He emphasized that the Research and Technology Fund of this university needs support from the Scientific Deputy to enhance its capital.

Dr. Farhang Fasihii, at the event, mentioned the history of the establishment of Amirkabir Park, stating that it started its activities in 2003 as a growth center and continued its activities as a technology park with the license of the Higher Education Expansion Council since late 2022. He noted that since late 2022, companies located in Amirkabir Technology Park have benefited from the advantages of parks such as tax exemptions. Currently, 200 companies are located in this complex, and half of them have verified their knowledge-based qualifications.
Fasihii highlighted the establishment of the Entrepreneurship Promotion Plan Secretariat in this park, stating: These companies have had sales of one trillion Tomans since 2023, created employment for 1100 people, and produced 600 products, among other achievements.
The President of the Science and Technology Park of Amirkabir University of Technology mentioned the launch of innovation centers for each faculty of the university, stating that innovation centers have been established for 8 faculties so far, and the establishment of 8 innovation centers with private sector participation is on the agenda.
He referred to the situation of the Research and Technology Fund of this university, stating that the university is one of the shareholders of this fund and faces challenges in providing capital, requiring support from the Scientific Deputy.
Fasihii mentioned the establishment of two joint campuses with the help of some organizations, stating that one of them is a joint campus in the field of household appliances in collaboration with Arj Factory.
The President of the Science and Technology Park of Amirkabir University of Technology emphasized the completion of the Technology Tower of this university, stating: We need support from the Scientific Deputy to complete this complex.

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