Amirkabir University of Technology- Inventions, Discoveries and Achievements
Amirkabir University of Technology Researchers Develop Formula for Post-Earthquake Structural Assessment and Building Reuse

Restore images and colors  | Post date: 2023/09/11 | 

Researchers at Amirkabir University of Technology have achieved a significant breakthrough by formulating a method to assess the condition of structures for potential reuse following an earthquake.
According to the official report from Amirkabir University of Technology's Public Relations Department, Fatemeh Suleiman Migouni, a doctoral student at the university and the project manager for "Determining Seismic Collapse Risk Index Considering Aftershocks," disclosed that their study aimed to minimize the likelihood of structural collapse during aftershocks, a challenge that has confounded numerous researchers. While existing methods can determine earthquake-related structural risks, determining the vulnerability to aftershocks has remained elusive.
Suleiman Migouni elaborated, stating, "In this project, we successfully devised a calculation process to quantitatively determine the probability of structural collapse due to aftershocks."
It is worth noting that Professor Mohsen Tehranizadeh, who supervised this project, was a distinguished faculty member of Amirkabir University of Technology's Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

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