Amirkabir University of Technology- Inventions, Discoveries and Achievements
Ariana Energy Company Successfully Makes Drilling Aid at Amirkabir University of Technology

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Ariana Energy Company, located at the Technology Tower of Amirkabir University of Technology, has succeeded in laboratory production of drilling aid of fluid filtration controller that they say is used in addition to the petroleum industry in other fields such as the food and cosmetics industries.
According to Amirkabir University of Technology Public Relations: Dr Mohsen Dehvadar, a researcher of the project, said: "Due to the high market demand for these drilling additives and the lack of quality and standard prototype production in the country,  we tried to do a project called "Achieving Manufacturing Method Drilling Additive in the oil industry. "
Dehvadar mentioned that the main problem of the plan is the lack of accurate laboratory equipment and a comprehensive resource to guide and advance the project and he noted: Using the simplest available equipment, personal cost and using various resources in academic and industrial departments and performing numerous experiments, the desired result was obtained.
This graduate of Amirkabir University of Technology continued: According to studies, the studied material is in high demand not only in the Iranian oil industry but also in the oil industry of neighboring countries.
  The project has been implemented by Dr. Mohsen Dehvadar, Mehran Faghfouri, Ali Salmani Sayyah and Alireza Kiani, graduates of Amirkabir University of Technology.

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