Amirkabir University of Technology- Talks & Contests
Creating fields related to the needs of Hormozgan province in the comprehensive coastal maritime campus / Reviving the unused budget allocation for the campus

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Creating fields related to the needs of Hormozgan province in the comprehensive coastal maritime campus / Reviving the unused budget allocation for the campus
The acting head of AmirKabir University of Technology, emphasizing that the university has the capability to establish fields of study related to the needs of Hormozgan province, said: "This can be achieved by creating infrastructure and collaborating with the academic and research staff.

According to the public relations office of AmirKabir University of Technology, the first session of the Strategic Council of the Comprehensive Coastal Maritime Campus of AmirKabir University of Technology was held in Bandar Abbas with the presence of the governor of Hormozgan, the president and vice presidents of the university, members of parliament, the city council of Bandar Abbas, and the CEOs of the province's industries at the location of the university's coastal maritime campus in Bandar Abbas.

In this session, Dr. Alireza Rahai, the president of AmirKabir University of Technology, stated that the university has always been among the top universities in the country due to its high standards of education and research. He said, "Due to this special position, AmirKabir University of Technology has the capability to establish and support various fields of study in the province as well as new and interdisciplinary fields.

He emphasized: "It is necessary for the province to participate in the planning and active pursuit of the university's activities in Hormozgan province and the southern coasts.
Rahai, with reference to the university's activities in areas such as maritime, artificial intelligence, and aerospace, expressed: "One of the reasons for establishing the Strategic Council is the necessity of the province's participation in planning and implementing the university's activities in the south of the country, and it is necessary to define new fields of study in the comprehensive coastal maritime campus in line with the needs of the province and the southern coasts.

The acting head of AmirKabir University of Technology referred to the special capabilities of the university in formulating and establishing interdisciplinary fields of study in the required areas of the province and emphasized: "This development will be achieved with the support of all the infrastructure and academic staff of AmirKabir University of Technology in Tehran, Mahshahr, and Kish at the comprehensive coastal maritime campus.
The concept of developing the southern coasts

In this meeting, Seyed Javad Motamedi Sedeh, the founder and pioneer of maritime higher education in the country, with a review of the history of Iran's civilization in recent centuries and the position of the southern region of the country and Iran's relationship with the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman coasts in relation to maritime and navigation, added: "There are challenges in the central plateau of Iran due to climate change and the growth of modern technologies in environmental management and moderation in the tropical regions of the country, especially in the southern coasts."

He stated: "The issue of developing the southern coasts of the country is not just about eliminating deprivation; rather, the coastal provinces of the country are the saviors of Iran's civilization today, and the transfer of industries and civilizational cores to the southern coasts is the way to rescue and solve the current challenges of the country in all areas.
Ahmad Moradi, the representative of the people of Hormozgan in the Islamic Consultative Assembly, also stated the importance of forming a strategic council and the province's unique capacities in the maritime economy in this meeting. He expressed: "The role of the university in realizing the objectives of the maritime-focused development policies, especially objectives 4 and 6 of these policies, is very important, and in this regard, the focus of AmirKabir University of Technology in formulating a comprehensive maritime development plan should be considered."

He emphasized the need to create suitable financial structures to support the development of AmirKabir University of Technology in the province and stated that reviving the sidelined sub-budget of this campus, which has been silent for several years, is necessary and should be a priority for the members of the strategic council.

Moradi addressed the need for securing the necessary resources and using effective tools for the development of education, stating: "The structure of this campus also needs to be reviewed and upgraded in line with the intended development."

This statement highlights the importance of allocating resources and attention to the development of the specific campus and its role in the region's economic and educational advancement.
Establishment of Coastal Campus

Salman Zarbi, the CEO of the Iran Shipbuilding and Offshore Industries Complex (ISOICO), emphasized the necessity of utilizing modern management methods, including innovative capital attraction methods, due to the shortage of skilled human resources in the province. He requested the formation of a coastal campus and the creation of courses and majors relevant to these needs. He considered research related to the structural challenges of industries as a priority for this new campus and suggested expanding the university's collaboration with ISOICO in education and research through defining joint projects and courses.

In the same meeting, Alireza Jafarpour, the CEO of the Star Refinery in the Persian Gulf, also highlighted the shortage of native specialized workforce and emphasized the need for the university to offer courses and majors related to oil and refining to empower the local people for better engagement in refining facilities.

Additionally, Hossein Abbasnejad, the director-general of the Ports and Maritime Organization, emphasized the need for the development of human resources in the maritime and navigation sector. He stated that it is necessary to provide software infrastructure for the development of industries related to ports and navigation, expressing readiness for collaboration with the university in this regard.
Mehdi Dusti, the governor of Hormozgan province, emphasized the importance of developing maritime, steel-related, and oil and refining-related majors in the province. He mentioned that in addition to the hardware needs and the necessity of training skilled engineers, attention should be paid to the soft industrial areas, including management, legal issues, and economic models that are relevant to the province's needs. He suggested that the university should enter these areas to train the necessary human capital for the future and to enhance the research and industrial capacities of the province through knowledge-based initiatives.

He proposed that the university should have a more active participation in provincial assemblies and that specific issues within the province should be put on the agenda so that the university, with scientific thinking and proposed solutions, can assist the province in addressing its challenges.
Meeting Results:
In this session, it was decided to revitalize and develop maritime-related majors such as naval engineering, marine engineering (mechanical), hydrodynamics, maritime transportation, maritime management, and maritime law at the Coastal Campus.

In addition, the university was tasked with offering majors needed in the oil and refining sector, such as process design, catalytic engineering, mass transfer phenomena, and refining and petrochemical industries, as well as majors needed in the steel industry, such as corrosion and material protection, material identification and selection, and materials engineering with a focus on shaping metals.

In this regard, it was decided that the council members should support the university in overcoming obstacles and meeting the requirements of this development. It was also decided that the meetings of the Supreme Council of the Coastal Campus should be held periodically every three months, and the decisions of the meetings should be followed up by the managers of the member institutions until results are achieved.
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