Amirkabir University of Technology- Talks & Contests
Development and Productivity Meeting on Technical Capacities of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

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A meeting of professors and experts of cryptocurrency titled "Opportunities, Challenges, Gglobal Commercialization Trends, and Application of Emerging Technologies" was held in AUT. In this specialized meeting, managing director of Ernyka Investment Group pointed out the activities of Toofad knowledge-based company and introduced exchange platform of Excoino cryptocurrency. In 2017, this company started its activity by "Excoino" platform and "bitrah" payment service provider. In 2019, the company manged to obtain knowledge-based certificate in cryptocurrency due to the underlying activities in the area of blockchain technologies, nods, and cryptocurrency wallet in accordance with financial protocols.
Dr. Mohaddes, chair of the department of mathematics and computer science, announced designing strong platforms of advanced financial and applied algorithms in the areas of blockchain and cryptocurrencies and welcomed cooperation.
Dr. Majidpour by summing up the issues proposed and evaluating the meeting as positive said: the joint cooperation of Ernyka Holding with AUT to synergize and train specialists in the field of blockchain and cryptocurrency can be done through doing joint theses, contracting joint research projects, holding courses, scholarship for students by Ernyka Holding, and internship of AUT students in this holding.  
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