Amirkabir University of Technology- University News
The National Event of Designing Flying Cars at AUT

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2022/05/1 | 

This course of competitions is held in two phases: in the first phase, the conceptual designing of the vehicle is done by the contestants. In the second phase, ideas that were chosen in the first phase will receive the necessary support and facilities for building the concept on a smaller scale. In this phase of the event, industrial companies are also part of the target group of this contest and are able to participate by either supporting a design or building a new product.
This national event is held by Emad Amirkabir Institute of Technical-Engineering Research, collaborating with Shahid Rezai Research Center of Sharif University, with the support of Amirkabir University of Technology, Civil Aviation Technology College, Barkat Ventures, National Elite’s Foundation and the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology.

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