Amirkabir University of Technology- Inventions, Discoveries and Achievements
Designing an Intelligent System for Verifying the Authenticity of Persian Hand-Woven Carpets by Researches of AUT

Clear images and colors  | Post date: 2020/09/5 | 
For the first time in the world, the researchers of Computer Engineering Department of Amirkabir University of Technology designed an intelligent system to cherish and protect Persian hand-woven carpet by identifying, storing and verifying the authenticity of this most celebrated, and striking element of Persian culture. Amirhossein Roshanzamir, a master’s graduate of IT and artificial intelligence at Computer Engineering Department and CEO of Chamrosh startup, highlighted six main benefits of this system: proving the origin of the carpet by the Internet of Things (IoT); building customer loyalty by recording data-back evidence during weaving process; reinforcing scarcity and uniqueness by integrating AI and cognitive computing to generate a digital fingerprint; recording provenance and claiming ownership by blockchain; verifying the authenticity and transparency of the supply-chain by mobile app and scanning QR code and finally increasing the price of the carpet by harnessing value dynamics between the key factors in supply-chain and allowing stakeholders to co-create value together.
Giving the authenticity to Persian hand-woven carpets and bringing transparency to their supply chain is the main goal of this technology startup.  By achieving this goal, Chamrosh is going to be the bluebird of happiness for Persian rugs.
It is noteworthy that Dr. Mohammad Rahmati, Dr. Mehdi Shajari, Amirhossein Roshanzamir, and Soroush Ziaienejad are the researchers working on this project at Department of Computer Engineering of Amirkabir University of Technology.
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